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A Little More About Me

Hello my name is RaDona Ludlow, welcome to my site! I’m glad you navigated your way here! A little bit about me…I am married to my best friend and we have 5 children. From a young age I have always had a passion for hair and the potential it has to look it’s best! After graduating from Bon Losee Hair Academy, I started my own salon doing colors, cuts, styles, up-dos, and nails for people from all walks of life.
Since then I have built a strong client base not only in my community but from other states as well. I am always honest with my clients and together we work on the perfect look just for them. What’s unique about me is I am very personable with clients of ALL AGES and connect with them on a personal level as if we were like family! After 20+ years of professional experience, I have finally found a product of my dreams! It fits everyone’s personal needs to keep their hair healthy and looking at best!
As you can see I’m very very passionate at what I do!! Thanks again for watching and I hope you enjoy my videos!!

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