Grandma’s Pixie Short Haircut – Pixie cuts are great because they can match any face shape. However, styling it may mean matching with your personality too. It may seem like an easy wash and go short haircut but it’s not! The truth is that a pixie short haircut is one style that may not suit everyone because it deals with the person’s attitude and personality.
The answer is to search for a good hairstylist that can really recommend the right pixie hairstyle for you, especially if you have a wavy hair type. Short haircuts require skills and precision. Just look at how Radona styles the old lady’s hair!
You may find that a straight hair can be effortless, while a wavy hair may need a little effort. Although you may find women with bold personalities wear the pixie short haircut better, others may choose or prefer it due to the empowerment and easy styling it provides.
The key in pulling it off is actually the confidence to own the look. Wearing a short hair directs more attention to the face and puts more emphasis on your face other features.
Flatter your face with a pixie style now and see how your face pops up when you cut the hair off it and off the neck. Our best kept secret? If you have a bigger figure or larger features with shorter neck, chances are, you will look more wider! So, be honest to yourself and decide if the pixie short haircut is for you.
For every length and texture, there is always a different style. You already know how truly incredible and fabulous the look would be. It gives the hair more pop and makes it appear more alive!
Here is an age busting tip. Mind your haircut because it can either age you or make you look years younger. The movement and the color of your hair can be your truly age defying strategy!

Round brush
Radona did not blow dry the hair anymore because it is already dry I presume, so she teaches us how to style it as is. The idea of just using the small round brush to give it volume without blow drying the hair is truly awesome. This means that you have to choose the right hairbrush for the right hair length and cut.
Choosing the right size makes all the difference in achieving the right cut. It may seem pretty simple and often ignored by many, but finding the best matched brush for your kind of hair and cut is extremely important.
This one beauty tool should not be ignored because you are expected to use it every day. With proper practice, you can nail a salon fresh blowout hair at home. The small round brush delivers the desire amount of bounce, movement and volume to the hair.
All you do is to roll it and pull lightly downwards. You also roll the brush straightforward with the bangs and then pull lightly downwards. Round brushes are perfect tool in creating the volume and body. The small size brushes create tighter curls.
Distortion gel
The distortion gel is a styling gum that flexes and bends with styling for texture that separates distorts but never feels stiff or greasy. Put a pea size and rub it on both hands. Grab and pull out the hair strands to separate and create a piece-y look. Separate the strands just using your fingers!
Backcombing your hair can create a stand out look with hair that stands and looks thicker. Backcomb your hair and add volume. Backcombing or teasing is the most common way to lift it. The back and forth motion build the volume and create the cluster. The result is an overall thicker look.
Radona uses the spray during the tease to hold it. She just spray under a bit, take the comb outside and pull out. This technique softens and put the hair in place especially in the middle section. The technique is to backcomb the roots and then, spray under.
Just in case you do not know the purpose of the hairspray, it serves to keep the strands in place so you do not get to damage the locks when backcombing it.
Grandma’s Pixie Short Haircut – Smooth hair
Gently pull all hair in place using the fine toothed comb. This covers any backcombed sections. Be careful not to comb the teased hair or you might undo hard work!
Grandma’s Pixie Short Haircut – Comments
I would like to highlight the importance of positioning with your camera. As you can see, the camera is placed at an angle that would compromise the good view of the audience. It is too high and the angle is terrible. Sometimes, it cannot show the whole face. Should be at least chest or stomach level, then just zoom in the hair when needed.
It is improving when Radona introduces the distortion gel, but really the camera uses too much zoom that it does not look that good anymore. The introduction of the product and how to use it is awesome.
The issue with this video is the zoom and the camera position. It is fast becoming a professional tutorial video now with slight modifications. I will say it again. Zoom in is too much.
Now am learning more techniques from Radona that the video is more about how it is being done. No chit chats and it is good. At the end of the video, I would recommend putting on the picture of the hair product with its name and why she uses it. A link right on the video would be great so the audience can just click on the product.
Introducing the product is very important so I did some research and came up with this. YouTube has come a long way and it has provided a very good platform to reach an entirely new audience. Billions of people all over the world use the site for all kinds of purpose. Besides, it is free broadcasting!
It has its own boost when it comes to the search engine’s ranking system. YouTube is a search engine by itself. The videos are always meant to display a specific content and that is why I suggest Radona create some sequels in the video for the hair products introduction.
Way to go Radona! I think you will produce soon the best and simplest said tutorial videos for hairstyling and cutting of hair.
Thank you for coming to Boys and Girls Hairstyles. Here we provide hair tutorials for girl and boys hairstyles and cuts. Currently, our presence on YouTube is over 170 thousand subscribers and followers. We feature RaDona as our main instructor.
Our main clientele are women over 50 who desire to have a hair transformation or to have a change come into their lives. Her gentle and fun personality have women coming from all over the USA to receive special treatment.
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