Tips for Introducing Children To Natural Hair Care
Ingredients found in many commercial hair care products such as shampoo have been found to contain chemicals like SLS, which are linked to everything from irritation of the skin and eyes, to changes at the cellular level. Although there is growing consumer awareness of potentially harmful ingredients like parabens, toluene, phthalates, and other chemicals found in many skin and hair care products and cosmetics, many store bought products still contain them. If you have kids and you would like to keep their chemical exposure low, it might be time to introduce them to natural hair care products, making the process as fun and informative as possible, so that children themselves develop an interest in the products they apply to stay stylish and beautiful.
Opting for Organic Formulations
As soon as children are around 10 or above, it’s a great time to involve them in choosing beauty essentials like hair products and even skincare. Let them join you online to check out cool organic beauty websites and once you have narrowed down a few items that piques their curiosity, visit the shops if possible together so they can try out samples, smell the different gorgeous natural scents, and even read ingredients lists to ensure their chosen products are free of ingredients like parabens and sulfates. Children should be learn to identify between ‘natural’ and ‘organic’. That is, it is important for them to know that just because a shampoo contains flowers, herbs, or plants, it does not mean it is chemical-free.
Sustainability and Beauty Go Hand in Hand
In addition to opting for natural products, kids can also have a say in what companies they back. As noted by renowned cosmetic chemist Dr. Barbara Olioso, just because a product is labelled ‘green’ does not mean it comes from a sustainable manufacturer. When you and your child are looking into new products to buy, research a bit into different companies’ sustainability policies and go for trendy products like solid shampoos, which reduce the reliance on plastics.
Making Natural Products with Your Child
Involving your child in the creation of a couple of hair care products is a fun way of showing them that you don’t need a long list of ingredients, or any chemicals at all, to make something that feels luscious and is useful. This weekend, why not make something like an avocado-based conditioner? Blend a little mashed avocado with a splash of coconut milk or cream and apply to dry hair. Leave on for half an hour and rinse with warm water. If your child has curly hair, simple coconut oil applied to the ends of hair as a conditioner during their usual shower will help them untangle locks and enjoy a smooth combing and styling experience.
Market research shows that sustainability is an important value for the millennial generation, which now comprises many new moms and dads who wish to make healthy choices for their kids. Everyone has a few ‘feel good products’ they don’t want to feel guilty about using, but it is important for both you and your children to learn about the potential health effects of the items they use everyday. From doing a bit of research together to heading out to natural beauty and hair care stores, you and your children can feel increasingly informed about the decisions you make. Finally, a bit of home experimentation will encourage children to grow more interested in DIY hair care that actually delivers good results.
Popular Links For Natural Hair Care
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