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4 Obvious Signs of Over-Washing Your Hair

You wash your hair in the morning so that it’s ready to style before work. You may wash your hair again that night to eliminate product buildup or shampoo the next morning again.

It may seem like you’re doing your hair a favor by shampooing once every day. But is this routine too much for your hair? Pay attention to these obvious signs of over-washing your hair to improve your current shampooing habits.

1. Your Hair Is Difficult To Brush

Sebum is the oil the body produces to maintain moisturized skin. Although sebum helps make soft and smooth hair, it’s also the cause of weighted-down, greasy hair.

Washing your hair regularly gets rid of dirt and excess oil. However, shampooing too often can dry out the scalp and hair follicles. The hair may become incredibly brittle and hard to brush.

2. You Have a Dry and Flaky Scalp

A dry scalp and hair that’s tough to brush can also result in flakiness. The lack of oils and dryness can cause the skin to flake away. The scalp might even feel incredibly itchy from time to time.

The hair needs time to produce the natural oils before shampooing again. Waiting two to three days between washing will let the oils replenish the scalp, resulting in properly hydrated hair and skin.

3. Your Hair Becomes Greasy More Quickly

Many people wash their hair as soon as it appears stringy and greasy. Did you know that a sign of over-washing your hair is that your hair can become greasy more quickly?

As we’ve stated, excessive washing strips the hair and scalp of natural oils. But the scalp produces more sebum than usual to compensate when you do this as well.

4. Your Hair’s Texture Changes

You may have once had silky soft straight hair or perfectly curly hair. Now, your curls look flat. Your once-shiny hair looks dull and frizzy.

Changes in hair texture are clear evidence that your shampooing habits are the problem. Altering your washing frequency will increase moisture and gradually return your desired texture.

How Can You Fix Your Hair Washing Routine?

There are a few tricks you can try to protect the quality of your hair.

First and foremost, be sure to avoid washing your hair every day. Start by washing every two days. Supplement with dry shampoo if needed. As time goes on, your hair will become accustomed to the new routine and look livelier.

Over-washing can be especially troublesome if you’re using the wrong shampoo. Take a good look at all the ingredients included to see if there’s anything potentially harmful included. Many individuals prefer shampoo free of sulfates, parabens, formaldehyde, and triclosan. More natural, hydrating ingredients will better protect the hair.

Another issue people face is making hair care mistakes while showering. Always use a conditioner after shampooing. It will replenish and moisturize the hair’s ends to promote hydrated locks.

The results won’t happen overnight. You may try one of these methods for one month and find it isn’t right for you routine.

Nevertheless, it’s important to stay vigilant despite the hardships along the way. Perseverance in your new hair-washing routine is the answer to hydrated, captivating hair.