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Hair Cutting Techniques

Hair Cutting Techniques

Hair Cutting Techniques – Hair cutting is a skill you cannot just learn in a day. It needs a lot of interest and patience to master a single cut of a specific hair type. This definitely requires time and practice to acquire even the basic skills of hair cutting.

Some people may be using gels and hairsprays for styling. You may prefer to shampoo their hair first to remove the product.

When you have layers of hairstyling products on your hair, it makes the hair unmanageable and either slippery or still holding up with the hairspray effects. The product makes the shafts of the hair stick together and the hidden weight also makes the hair go limp.

Hairsprays are kind of lock it down product, that when you put it on your hair, there can be a lot of difficulty to get through a brush and change your style, much more cutting it.

The best shampoo to use for hairs with product styling on is a clarifying shampoo with deep conditioning treatment. An ordinary shampoo can be a good choice for those who seldom use styling products.

However, if the customer does not use any hair product, saturating the hair with a spray bottle would be satisfactory. The goal is to make it damp, but not dripping with water.

Use a big wide toothed comb to detangle the hair. Work through the impossible snarls and carefully tackle the knots.

Start from the bottom, then work your way up to the top gently combing the hair. A detangler comb can help you smoothen the hair with less pain if possible.

Use a fine toothed comb to carefully remove the knots if the hair looks too fine. Combs work well than brushes for unsnarling tough knots and keeping your hair sleek during the cutting session.

After detangling, divide the hair into five sections. Part the hair from the top of the forehead to the base of the skull.

Create a section on the top of the head and also on the two sides. Make sure they are even. For those with thicker hair, divide it into seven sections. Unclip the bottom section and determine the length of the bottom layer. Insert the hair segment between your forefinger and middle finger.

Slide towards the end. Pull at a 900 angle. Cut with sharp scissors. Just a little tip before you start cutting the hair. It would be wise and polite to ask the customer first about the length of the cut, so you won’t make a mistake cutting it too short.

Always slide your fingers towards the ends of the hair up to the point that you desire to cut. If the hair becomes dry again, then you have to spray and wet the hair again too.

When creating layers, you can either use a razor or scissors. Comb and cut the side sections. Comb and cut the crown sections. Repeat until you are done cutting the remaining hair.

Haircutting takes time to master but you can do it with much practice. You just need to master the foundations of hair cutting and understand better what, how and why you should cut that way.

Because regardless of how creative you can get in hairstyling, everything is still controlled by the foundational basic principles of cutting the hair. Your finger angle also influences the outcome of your haircuts, which is the reason you have to pull it at a 900 angle.

Learn more by visiting out girls hairstyles YouTube Channel. You can also learn more by visiting our hair tutorials main page.
Hair Cutting Techniques

Pivot Point Academy

Pivot Point Academy offers a program to help students become proficient with the latest haircutting techniques. Our Cosmetology program is a 1500 hour course that teaches students the skills that are required to become a certified hairdresser. 

Some of our programs may be helpful to your readers that are looking to enhance their haircutting skills. Would it be possible to add information to this article about our Cosmetology program with a link back to our site? I look forward to discussing this further.

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